Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Irma Jean

Today is my Nanny's birthday. She would have been 76.
We lost her 3.5 years ago and it doesn't get any easier with her gone.

I had the chance to spend a few days this week in Miami with my parents alone.
My mother and I walked the beach together and just talked about life. We spoke about our family and how much we miss Nanny and Papa. Mom says there are still days where she will think to call my Nanny - I suppose we all want to be able to call our moms. I know I call my mom every day around the same time and I can't imagine how hard it would be without her there - always there to listen and offer advice.

I know our whole family's hearts will ache today, but I know we can all be thankful for the years we were lucky enough to be able to share with our Irma Jean

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