Friday, May 9, 2014

Saiah's Terminus

Last night we went to see Terminus. It's an immersive play set during the Civil War. 
It was really nice, because it actually takes place in the Clyde Shepard Nature Preserve in our neighborhood (so we walked a little over a half mile to get there and then walked home afterwards).

When you arrive, you have a choice of 3 different paths: "The Deserters' Path" has moderate walking, "The Homestead Path" has limited walking, and "The Path of Snares" has moderate walking with some running. We ended up choosing "The Path of Snares" which was represented by the black mug around our necks.
 The coolest part was walking through the woods (not all of it has a boardwalk) and following the various characters' trajectories and dialogues. The actors would run through the woods and cross your paths and there were times that the stories and audience groups would overlap. The "Deserters' Path" and "Path of Snares" followed along together for multiple stints of the play, but then separated for many crucial scenes.
 At one point on our path, we had to run in the dark through a bamboo forest to keep up with our main character. Each path also included "authentic provisions" to eat. Our path had cornbread, meat stew, and coffee (which correlated with a meal eaten by the actors), but since we're vegetarian we didn't have any (although it looked amazing). It was such an unique experience! 
All the groups came together at the Homestead area for the finale.
 I would love to be able to go back and get the full experience of the other 2 paths. I'm so excited to see what other future shows Saiah will put out. It is such a great addition to the Atlanta arts culture.
I'd highly suggest going to experience this incredible outdoor show. Also, Creative Loafing did a great review.The show ends on May 17th so hurry and buy your tickets now! 


1 comment:

  1. whoa this is so cool!! What a neat idea. And of course you look amazing in that picture :)


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