Friday, December 30, 2011

adjust the sails

i can't remember where i found this print (please let me know if you know so i can give credit) but it's very inspirational for me, especially right now in my life. although i can't complain with my life these days - i have a wonderful husband, dog, house, family, and great friends, but i feel like there's something i'm missing out on or afraid of. i've got a very secure job that treats me well - but is it what i'm truly supposed to be doing? am i going to regret it one day?

even within myself, i need some adjustments. i haven't been motivated (especially in the eating healthy and exercise department) and my body is paying the price. it may sounds crazy but when my body isn't right, my mind isn't right. so it's time to tighten the sails and change my direction. nothing drastic required but a slight change of course is definitely overdue. the new year quickly approaching will help too.

2012 will be the year to finally learn sailing - we've been talking about it (here and here) for a while now and we need a hobby that requires me to be outside. being on the water is an added bonus!

what's your biggest hope for the new year?

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